


When working on a portrait I try to include symbolic items such as jewellery or significant objects that are meaningful to the sitter so that a narrative is established, giving vital clues to their life story and personality.

It usually takes between five and eight sittings of up to two hours duration – though no one is expected to sit perfectly still for the whole time! Ten or twenty minutes, at most, of holding a pose is normal. Sittings are relaxed; conversation is encouraged and stillness negotiable.

I use photographs only where necessary to record details such as folds in cloth, or an item to which I can have no access.

Prices begin from £500 for an unframed watercolour or pastel portrait and £950 for oil on canvas. Cost will vary depending on medium and time taken.

To commission a portrait from me please use the contact page to get in touch.

I am also happy to undertake the commission of creating a piece similar to any of the other work displayed on this site. Please contact me to discuss.